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1. Powder Metallurgy laboratory

SPEX 8000D mill shaker

Planetary mill Retsch model PM400

Planetary mill Fritish model Pulverisette 5

Planetary mill PQ-N04

Mix MM400

Turbula Mixers WAB model T2F

Globe box with controlled atmosphere PLUS-LAB NN-850


2. Characterization of Materials Laboratory

X-Ray diffractometer STOE STADI MP

Florescence X-Ray, Bruker S2 Puma

Optical Microscope Leitz, advanced image system for analysis of phases and grain sizes

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Shimadzu AA 6800 an 1 Perkin Elmer PinAAcle 900


3. Mechanical Properties Laboratory

Zwick/Roell microdurometer equipment, model ZHVμ

Conventional hardness testing machines Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers

Zwick Roell modelo Z030equipment for mechanical tensile and compressive testing

Istria, Hydraulic press, 50 ton

Across international press, 40 ton

Across international press, 20 ton

Micro-Cutter PRESI model T180


4. Heat Treatment Laboratory

1300°C Tube Oven Controlled Atmosphere, Nabertherm RHTC 80-230 / 15

1700°C Muffle Furnace, Across International

1000°C tube oven controlled atmosphere

1300°C Mufle Furnace, Carbolite

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